Siddha Maha Yoga is a simple yet powerful meditation technique. It's so easy, that anyone, yes anyone can do it. It doesn't require a specific pose, a mantra, or even an uncomfortable posture. Yet it's so impactful that it's like getting 30 years of meditation experience in 1 hour. People who practice regularly find that their lives become ineffably joyous.
Siddha Maha has been passed down via a blessing through a lineage of masters in India for eons. Historically, over the course of a lifetime, the masters would share the meditation with only a handful of lucky people. Today's times require more urgency and the current living master, Swami Nardanand, is willing to share his meditation blessing with anyone who brings curiosity and a willingness to adopt a regular meditation practice. Is that you?
There is no cost of any kind. We won't even ask you for donations. This is made and staffed 100% by volunteers who just love sharing this powerful meditation practice.
Whether you're brand new to meditation or have been meditating for years, this meditation technique will work for you. All you need is some curiosity and a daily commitment.